Perusahaan WHAT I WEAR membuka lowongan IT HEAD
Persyaratan yang diperlukan antara lain
- chelor’s Degree in Computer Science
- web development experience with PHP & MySQL
- Working knowledge of JQuery, AJAX, and DHTML
Lokasi DKI Jakarta
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Tanggal Lowongan kerja 09-Feb-13
Perusahaan WHAT I WEAR membuka lowongan WEB / FRONT END DEVELOPER
Persyaratan yang diperlukan antara lain
- Experience in web development with PHP and MySQL.
- Knowledge of CSS3, HTML5, PHP & CodeIgniter
- Experience in Mobile Platform solutions
Lokasi DKI Jakarta
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Tanggal Lowongan kerja 09-Feb-13
Perusahaan WHAT I WEAR membuka lowongan iOS DEVELOPER
Persyaratan yang diperlukan antara lain
- Passion in mobile application development
- experience with in-depth knowledge of Objective C
- Experience in most used iOS SDK frameworks
Lokasi DKI Jakarta
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